Friday 17 September 2021

How Do Metal Braces Work?

If you have a misaligned bite or teeth that are crooked, you need not worry anymore! Today, there is a range of dental treatments methods which could help in straightening your teeth, such as braces and retainers. Majority of general dentists are performing basic teeth alignment and some elementary orthodontics, but a certified orthodontists specializes in correcting all manners of severe teeth irregularities.

Dr. Aditi Aggrawal is a cosmetic dentist in kandivali. Having nearly 2 decades of experience, he believes that as we grow, we become less careful towards our health and because of our erratic eating habits we spoil our mouth and teeth to a great extent. So here he is letting out all the knowledge that he can, related to teeth problems and some common procedures that is carried out.

The orthodontist you select is going to ask you some questions in relation to your health, conduct a comprehensive clinical examination, and take some impressions of your teeth. He or she will also take several photos of your face and teeth, X-rays of your mouth and the head. It is from all these data and information that an appropriate treatment plan for you is generated. Never assume that any orthodontist you come across is a registered specialist. It is always safer to confirm on the website of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA).

If metal braces are in fact the dental solution for you, the orthodontist will then go ahead and prescribe a suitable orthodontic appliance specific for your requirements. Your braces might comprise of wires, bands and other removable or fixed corrective dental appliances.

Broadly, braces work through applying some continuous pressure on your teeth over a period of time to gradually and slowly shift the teeth in a particular direction. As your teeth are moving, the bone shape also changes as the pressure is being applied.

The main components that make up braces are:

- Brackets: These are the key metal portion which gets attached to every tooth with some bonding material. The bonding material is a kind of glue which keeps the brackets attached tightly to your teeth throughout the treatment course.

- Arch Wire: This is a thin metal piece placed over your brackets. It applies consistent pressure on your teeth and provides the direction that your teeth need to get aligned.

- O-Rings: They are also identified as ligature elastics. Whenever the braces get tightened, the O-rings are also changed. They come in a diversity of colours to choose from. In case you want a more colorful smile when you're wearing your braces, you can opt for your dazzling shade!

- Elastics: If your case is one of an under bite or overbite, your orthodontist might utilize elastics. These elastics generate additional pressure to straighten your teeth and may be employed to produce more tension to direct your jaw and teeth into the preferred position.

Australian Government Department of Health website offers useful information regarding the government's dental initiatives and could be useful source of knowledge and updates about latest oral health matters.

Maintaining your Braces Cleanness

According to the Australian Society of Orthodontists, the most widespread complication associated with orthodontics is normally that of tooth decay. This could occur since your orthodontic appliances may at times stimulate the production of excess saliva, which could then combine with tiny food particles and bacteria to form a sticky brownish film known as plaque.

The plaque may then cause your enamel to decay. Therefore additional brushing becomes essential during the course of treatment. Your orthodontist might recommend that you use a mouthwash containing fluoride or a toothpaste that has high fluoride levels.

Source: EzineArticles

Whitening Toothpaste And How It Works


Are you suffering from a lack of confidence or insecurity due to yellowing teeth? Do you smile in the mirror and think "What happened to my teeth?" Are you disgusted by the yellow, or even orangey brown color of your teeth? How sad to live your life feeling sad, embarrassed or anxious about your smile. After all, it is the centerpiece of your face and the first thing that people notice when they meet you. You should be able to show off your smile with pride. Whitening toothpaste is a simple and cheap solution for yellowing teeth. You should definitely consider purchasing one if you are looking for a quick solution that won't break the bank.

Any time you experience any problem in your teeth, you can visit our dentist in kandivali for a  dental check-up

Don't Alienate Yourself!

You should not feel alone or think that you are the only one who is dealing with yellow teeth. Yellow teeth are so common and, as you age, you will see it happening more and more. People around you will be increasingly anxious about their own smiles, as well. What causes yellowing of teeth? Yellowing teeth may be cause by lifestyle choices (such as smoking or drinking coffee and wine) but it is also just a part of the natural aging process. Just as your skin wrinkles and your hair dulls, your teeth may yellow. We acknowledge that issues like acne or obesity can affect confidence and we work to help people find a way to cure these issues. However, we sometimes overlook the detrimental effects that yellow teeth can have on a person psychologically. Anything that can boost a person's confidence and make them feel better about themselves is a good thing. Most doctors and dentists will agree that there is a great benefit to increasing a person's self-esteem and giving them a better body image. Look at whitening your teeth as way to improve your overall mental health and boost your mood.

What Can be Done?

Unfortunately, many people tend to think that teeth whitening is trivial and also have the incorrect idea that it is extremely expensive. You may have gotten the message that your yellow teeth are going to cost hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars to fix. That is just not the case anymore. There are plenty of inexpensive solutions that take very little time. You shouldn't have to feel ashamed or uncomfortable smiling. You should be able to live your best life and be your best self. You should be able to smile whenever you want to and show off your pearly whites in photos or on dates. Your social life or romantic life should not be affected by something as easy to cure as yellow teeth.

How do Whitening Toothpastes Work?

Whitening toothpastes work at varying degrees. If you are looking for fast results then Crest and Rembrandt tend to give the best and fastest results. However, there are other brands that work, as well. It is a matter of opinion and preference and you should consider just how yellow your teeth are. They can also be used in concert with whitening pens or strips for even better and quicker results. Just be careful not to cause a lot of sensitivity. Again, this is a matter of your own preferences. Rembrandt even has a toothpaste that helps to deter new stains from forming! However, you should know that it will cost more than the more run of the mill toothpaste. Whitening toothpastes are not all created equally and will not work in the same ways. They also come at different price points. Whitening toothpaste sometimes causes pain for people with sensitive teeth. That is something to consider when choosing yours. There are some brands (such as Sensodyne) that have developed whitening toothpastes specifically for sensitive teeth. If you do not have sensitive teeth then this may not be a concern for you.

In general, if you want immediate and dramatic results then whitening toothpastes should be used in conjunction with whitening strips. There are some listed on this site that you should check out. In particular, Crest 3D White Strips are great and can be used alongside Crest Vivid White Toothpaste. The combination of these two methods can really make a huge difference in your smile in a relatively short period of time.

 Source: EzineArticles

Thursday 9 September 2021

Teeth Sensitivity: Causes & Treatments


Teeth sensitivity means pain and experiencing twinges because of the degradation of the outer layer of tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. The pain experienced during consumption of hot or cold beverages, brushing, flossing or even breathing cold air is called sensitive teeth.

Teeth Sensitivity is not to be taken lightly. A dentist would help you determine the cause of sensitivity and treat it. Visit the best dentist in kandivali

There are two types of tooth sensitivity:

Dentinal Sensitivity - The dentin contains large pores that run from tooth to nerve. When dentin is exposed, these tubes are stimulated by changes in temperature or certain foods.

Pulpal Sensitivity - It means a reaction of the tooth's pulp. The pulp is a mixture of blood vessels and nerves in the center of each tooth.

Irrespective of the type, there are certain causes which are responsible for teeth sensitivity.


Brushing is good but brushing too hard so that it may lead to enamel wearing down is not good.

Teeth grinding

Over time, tightening your teeth can lead to eroding of the enamel and expose dentin.


Your age plays tricks on you. People in the age group of 25-30 are most likely to have sensitive teeth.

Gum disease

The gum disease can result in gum recession. It is a build-up of plaque that destroys bony support of the teeth.

Cracked teeth

A crack of teeth can run from the biting surface of tooth towards the root. Extreme temperatures can increase the discomfort level.

Food intake

Continuous intake of acidic foods can corrode the tooth enamel exposing the dentin part.

Tooth whitening

White is not always better. Using items like baking sodas and peroxides to brighten teeth can hugely affect dentins.

Teeth sensitivity is a problem about which you don't need to worry. It's because they are easily treatable at a dentist or even at home.


You will have to see a dentist if and only the pain lasts for more than a couple weeks. The dentist will recommend you to follow some simple steps to avoid the issue of sensitivity.

At a dentist's office:

  1. Fluoride varnish can be applied to the affected areas.
  2. Fluoride foam could be put in mouth tray which after 4-5 minutes provides teeth with the required strength.
  3. A root canal therapy might be in order for effective treatment if your dentist feels the need to do so.
  4. A bonding agent might be used to strengthen the enamel surface.

Measures at home:

  1. Change your toothbrush every couple or maximum three months.
  2. Avoid over-eating acidic foods like tea, tomatoes, oranges, citrus fruits
  3. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush will be a gentle treatment for your teeth.
  4. Fluoride mouthwash use is a bonus during this period.
  5. Use of desensitizing toothpaste is highly recommended.
  6. Usage of a mouth guard at night.

There is no need to worry when it comes to sensitivity. The measures suggested are wonderful methods for avoiding and controlling such teeth problems. But in case you don't want to follow the measures, it is always a good option to go to a dentist. The dentist will suggest you your requirements as your teeth are the most important aspect of their job.

  Source: EzineArticles 

Tooth Decay Symptoms

Tooth decay is a damage occurred by different bacteria that can be found in the mouth. The bacteria produce acids that are harmful for teeth. A cavity (or a hole) can occur in the tooth as a consequence of this. The decay can be painful if you do not treat it properly. Besides, it will lead to infection and finally - to loss of the tooth.

In the event that you deal with your gum wellbeing yourself with normal brushing and flossing and have no undeniable side effects of gum issues, at that point you can contact our Dentist in kandivali on more than one occasion per year is adequate to deal with your general oral wellbeing.

Any dentist will explain to you that every tooth has three different layers. The exterior layer is the enamel, the hard outer one. Dentin is the second layer situated in the middle. The centre of the tooth was named the pulp. Blood vessels and nerves can be found in the pulp. It is obvious that the more layers are affected by tooth decay, the more serious the damage of the tooth is.

If you do not floss and brush your teeth and do not visit your dental doctor on the regular basis, you may be subjected to tooth decay. Smoking, foods that contain a lot of sugar, lack of fluoride and even lack of saliva can cause this dental problem.

Tooth decay symptoms will not make your life as it was before the dental issue. You will feel toothache. The teeth will become sensitive. Hot, cold and sweet foods will cause sharp pain to you. Besides, there can be visible enamel pitting or even holes in your teeth. The teeth can be stained with brown or black spots. Such symptoms foreshadow serious tooth problem called tooth decay.

See your dental specialist for curing tooth decay. The treatment will be chosen specially for you, but in general, the doctor will examine the teeth and establish the degree of the problem. If the decay is long- time, then the tooth will require drilling. Treating of tooth decay will be provided by a specialist, you will not be able to do it yourself.

In order to save yourself from this not very pleasant procedure, exclude nuts, seeds, grains high in phytic acid from your ratio and add seafood, organic diary, grass-fed meats, and organic vegetables rich in vitamins. Balance your blood sugar, so that the level of calcium would be in norm. Use different supplements that will complete your daily ratio with useful things.

Using a remineralizing toothpaste may also help to get rid of the tooth decay and its symptoms. It is significant to lower every day stresses and get enough sleep as well, as our organism reacts at what we do with it.

 Source:  EzineArticles 

Good Habits That Will Improve Your Oral Health

Everyone knows the importance of brushing teeth daily. While some people have made a habit of it, others make it an occasional occurrence. For others, brushing teeth is still a foreign concept. However, the state of your teeth revolves around the care that you put in. If you are still struggling with poor dental health, then it is time to re-examine what you do to your teeth on a daily basis.

Any time you experience any problem in your teeth, you can visit our dentist in kandivali for a  dental check-up

With the right habits and processes, you can be successful in reducing the visits you make to the dentist. Here are a few pointers to consider.

Floss your teeth

If you are most people, you usually skip the flossing bit. However, if you want to know why you need to floss, just pass the floss string once between your teeth. You will be surprised at what comes out. Flossing is important as it gets to places your toothbrush bristles cannot. Flossing will prevent the build-up of plaque in between teeth thus reduce incidences of cavities. Get recommendation of the right floss string to use from your dentist.

Get the diet right

Teeth, like each part of your body, require the right nutrients. Eating the right food will nourish your gums as well as strengthen your teeth. Having the right diet not only refers to the nourishing food but also avoiding the wrong foods. Sugary carbonated drinks and even coffee are not good for your teeth. With the right diet, you will see a great improvement in the status of your teeth. You will narrow down the visits you have to make to the dentist with painful problems.

Visit a dentist regularly

A dentist will provide you with the right information and services to help you with your teeth health. Regular visits will allow you to note problems before they cause extensive damage. You can get rid of plaque before it causes those cavities. The dentist will have the information you need to help you maintain good oral health including nutrition and the habits to break. The services he or she offers should address any problem that you have. The dentist will also have the skills needed to insert dental aids such as crowns & bridges.

Acquiring the right habits when it comes to dental health will see you suffer from less dental problems. Overlooking important procedures like flossing may see you suffer painful toothaches. Even if you do not get it right, you can get the assistance of a dental expert and get a solution to your problems. The dentist will not only treat your dental problems, but he or she will offer you the guidance you need in your quest to getting optimum dental health

Source: EzineArticles

Thursday 26 August 2021

Tips On How To Take Care Of Your Dental Veneers


Dental or porcelain veneers are thin shells of medical-grade ceramic which are expertly attached to the front surfaces of your teeth by a dentist to achieve an immediate smile transformation. Veneers have the ability to change the shape, size, length, and color of a person's teeth. These veneers are individually crafted for each patient to make sure that they closely resemble the appearance of a person's natural dental enamel.

Have inquiries regarding your oral wellbeing and to know about the how dental veneers will work? Contact Dr. Aditi Aggrawal, the best dentist in kandivali, Mumbai.

Veneers are usually recommended by dentists to fix and/or cover gaps, cracks, chips, discoloration, and minor teeth misalignment. Due to their realistic appearance and wide array of functions, dental veneers are one of the most trusted and popular procedures in cosmetic dentistry.

Dental veneers can last 10 to 15 years if they are well-maintained. To make sure that your veneers last for a long time, below are some tips that you can follow:

Regularly practice proper oral care. Caring for your veneers is similar to caring for your natural teeth. As such, it is important to brush them at least two times every day and floss at least once per day. Although veneers can't decay, they are still attached to your natural teeth that will have some exposed areas that are still susceptible to tooth decay. Brushing is essential because good oral hygiene will extend the lifespan of your veneers and of course, promote good dental health.

Use a soft toothbrush and the right toothpaste. If you have dental veneers, you have to make sure that you are using a soft toothbrush whenever you brush your teeth. This is because using a hard-bristled toothbrush can cause the polish on your veneers to become scratched. Avoid using a toothpaste that has harsh abrasives as well since they also can cause damage to your veneers.

Avoid chewing on hard objects. Although dental veneers are tough, they are still not as strong as regular teeth. Avoid chewing on or biting hard objects such as ice, your fingernails, pens, and pencils. Chewing on or biting a hard object can cause your veneers to chip or become damaged.

Don't grind and clench your teeth. Habitually grinding or clenching your teeth can wear down and cause severe damage to your veneers. If you normally clench or grind your teeth intentionally or unintentionally, consult your dentist about the best treatment options that can help you stop this bad habit before it causes damage to your natural teeth and veneers.

Avoid food and beverages that can stain your teeth. Finally, dental veneers are usually stain-resistant but the adhesive that is used to keep your veneers attached are not resistant to stains. This can cause the edges of your veneers to become darkened or yellowed. As such, try to avoid beverages such as coffee, tea, soda, and try to use a straw in order to decrease the chances of these drinks staining your veneers. As much as possible, avoid eating too much chocolates, candies, and starchy foods.

 Source:   EzineArticles

Understanding The Cause of Bad Breath


One of the most common problem that everyone suffers globally is Halitosis or as we know it Bad Breath. So today we will discuss about it in more detail and understand what causes that stinky breath.

To cover up bad breath people have a tendency to constantly chew mints and chewing gums. Doing so will help you in covering the bad breath but it does not serve the purpose on a long-term basis. Nearly 70% of global population suffers from Halitosis which adversely affects their social presence. Majority of Halitosis cases are caused due to improper dental hygiene. This is the reason why dentists will always suggest you to brush and floss your teeth daily. Brushing alone will not suffice the purpose because it will not remove food debris from every nook and corner of your teeth. To maintain a healthy mouth and avoid any gum disease you need to ensure that flossing and using mouthwash are part of your brushing regime as well. The food that gets stuck between your teeth starts to decompose which eventually leads to a foul odor and also leads to several other problems such as - Periodontal Disease, Gingivitis and Loose Teeth.

Dr. Aditi Aggrawal is a cosmetic dentist in kandivali. Having nearly 2 decades of experience, he believes that as we grow, we become less careful towards our health and because of our erratic eating habits we spoil our mouth and teeth to a great extent. So here he is letting out all the knowledge that he can, related to teeth problems and some common procedures that is carried out.

These are severe gum diseases and will require you to undergo treatments such as Full Mouth Reconstruction, Tooth Extraction, Bone Graft or any other Gum Treatments. There are other reasons why we suffer from Bad Breath such as -
a. Eating Garlic
b. Eating Onions
c. Eating Cheese
d. Drinking Orange Juice and any other soda drink

These foods get digested and the oil present in them will move into your bloodstream. After coming in contact with your bloodstream they will make their way to your lungs and eventually lead to bad breath. However this is not the only reason for bad breath. You may suffer from bad breath because of other reasons such as-

a. You are having a Dry Mouth: Saliva is the most important part of your mouth which helps in cleaning your mouth time and again. When you are not generating enough saliva dead cells may form inside your mouth and this is the reason for the early morning breath. You may suffer from dry mouth because of smoking or with some medications. If you are suffering from such a condition and it is not take care of at the earliest then be prepared to suffer from gum diseases such as periodontal disease and gingivitis.

b. Chronic Disease: These can also lead halitosis.

c. Respiratory Conditions: In case you are suffering from any sort of respiratory problem you are highly susceptible to bad breath.

The best way to avoid bad breath is by avoiding foods and beverages which can lead to this condition. Furthermore you need to ensure that you brush for two minutes followed by flossing and use of mouthwash. You should also start brushing your tongue so that any dead cells present can be removed. Drinking lots of water will help keep your mouth moist.

Off all the techniques that we have discusses above you need to make sure that the most important one to follow is brushing and flossing. These two alone can combat any sort of gum disease or dental condition.
 Source:  EzineArticles